Drs. Clay Keith and Paul Denson are offering this educational blog as a resource to our patients. Our hope at The Center for Implant and General Dentistry is that this blog will cover subjects that you and your family may be interested in.

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Emergency Dentist - Best Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Dental Problems That Are Not Exactly Dental Emergencies

By Editorial Team |

Dental problems can arise at any point in your life. When this happens, seeing our dentist is the best way to have the situation handled. However, which problems are considered an emergency, and which can wait until tomorrow? Know the difference between the two so that you can easily find the help you need, when…

Best Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Dangers of Sharing Your Toothbrush with Someone That Has Oral Health Problems

By Editorial Team |

By now, you’ve been warned about the risks of excess sugar, eating acidic foods, and drinking too many sodas. It is well known that those are common factors in developing tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. But did you know that cavities are contagious? That’s right, even if you practice perfect oral hygiene, you…

Emergency Dental Care

How to Manage an Overbite

By Editorial Team |

Are you unhappy with the way that the teeth of your upper and lower jaw line up? If so, you might have a bite issue, one of the most common of which is an overbite. An overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude out over the lower teeth substantially. Otherwise known as malocclusion, an overbite…

Best Senior Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

How to Maintain High Oral Health While on a Tight Budget

By Editorial Team |

Most of us know that it isn’t always easy to be healthy, especially when it comes to the cost. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that you can keep your mouth healthy while you stick to your budget. These are some of the most important tips to keep in mind. Make Better Food Choices What…

Best Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Best Ways of Getting Food Out from Between Your Teeth

By Editorial Team |

The best thing you can do for your oral health is to brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush at least twice per day and floss at least once each day. If you are not flossing for any reason, you may be setting up yourself for future dental problems including cavities and other diseases. Brushing…

Best Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Battle Bad Breath with Foods You Eat

By Editorial Team |

Bad breath is something that plagues us all at times. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to minimize it, including choosing better foods. These are some foods that can reduce your bad breath. Crunchy Vegetables Crunchy vegetables like carrots, celery, and cucumbers are great for your oral health. The fibrous nature works as…

Best Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Reasons for Having and Using a Night Guard

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When you think about wearing a night guard, you may look at it as something that will prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. You may think it is uncomfortable and that it is a pain to use. It is better if you do not have to wear a night guard, but that is…

Best Senior Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Protecting Your Teeth After Having a Root Canal

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You turn to root canal therapy because you have a problem with your teeth. The problem can result in pain or other issues that require the root canal. While no one wants to go through root canal therapy, there are times when it is necessary. Because it is not something most people look forward to,…

Best Dentists Lindale - Tyler TX - Center for Implants & General Dentistry

Ways to Increase How Much Calcium You Consume for Healthier Teeth

By Editorial Team |

Calcium is an essential nutrient for healthy teeth. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough of this important mineral, especially women. Use these strategies to increase your calcium intake and enjoy healthier teeth. Add Dairy into Your Daily Diet Dairy products have some of the highest concentrations of calcium, so they should be a part of…

Mouthwash and Dental Care

What Mouthwash Does When You Regularly Use It

By Editorial Team |

There are many varieties of mouthwash on the market that claim to benefit your oral health. Fortunately, research has found that regular use of mouthwash can actually benefit your oral health. These are a few of the most prominent ways. Promotes Good Oral Hygiene Mouthwashes are packed with chemicals and agents that can help to…